Гибкий магнит, White 8, Белый матовый, 620мм
От 10 шт: 9,15 €/шт.
От 15 шт: 8,81 €/шт.
Flexible magnet WhiteM 8
The flexible magnet with the white PVC coating has very good flexibility, reducing the risk of magnet cracking. The magnet can be cut with a knife or scissors. The surface coating enables direct printing onto the magnet, saving valuable time, labor and material costs.
The magnetic material is human and environmentally friendly. Does not contain lead.
• Width 620mm
• Height 0,85mm
• Roll length 15m
Technical specifications:
• Coated with the white printable matte coating
• Suitable for: Solvent, Eco-Solvent, UV ink ja Screen printing
• Recommended operating temperature range -26°C to +70°C
Some applications:
• Fridge magnets
• Temporary car markings
• Games
• Information signs
• Billboards
• Souvenirs
• Magnetic fasteners
Max. Energy Product |
Remanence |
Coercive Force |
(BH)max |
Br |
Hcb |
Hcj |
MGOe |
kJ/cm3 |
kGs |
mT |
kOe |
kA/m |
kOe |
kA/m |
0.5-0.7 |
4.0-5.6 |
1.5-1.7 |
150-170 |
1.1-1.5 |
88-119 |
1.9-2.5 |
151-199 |
The price is per running meter.
If you are not sure whether the material is suitable, we strongly recommend that you contact us before making a final decision and ordering a larger quantity. And if necessary, place a smaller trial order.
NB! If this product has been measured and cut out according to the customer's wishes, it can not be returned.
Дополнительная Инфо
We know that processing of flexible magnet, be it cutting the magnet with a print applied or treated as separate works, is more resource and time consuming activity than in the case of regular sticker materials. Plus there is a need for special equipment. In the case there are needed direct lined edges of the magnet and just a small quantity, this could be done by the means of a regular gypsum cutter and ruler. But it is a much more complicated situation if there is a wish to change it to more personala final produce, e.g. applying contour cutting, making magnet-crystal stickers or when the quantities are big, then we can be of great help. In order to save your precious time and make it more effective, we are ready to carry all that ourselves. Your idea we make the end product. Be it a small refrigerator magnet, doming magnet sticker, car magnet up to big wall promotional magnets.
Print with or without cutout
Magnetic Doming Stickers (also know as silcon stickers or 3D stickers; The magnet is coated with the polyurethane layer)
Cutout Straight edges and contour cutting.
For the offer, send us the correct print file, the quantity and the description. Send me the offer
For best printing results and correct cutouts, see the print file requirements below.
You can email us files up to 20MB. If you have the larger file, please contact us to specify how to send the file. Or if you have files uploaded to the cloud, send us the download link.
.pdf (Adobe)
.cdr (CorelDraw)
.ai (Adobe Illustrator)
.psd (Adobe Photoshop)
.eps (Adobe)
But this does not mean that other formats are not compatible. Please send the file and let's see the file and will decide then.
The size of the work must be 1:1.
The resolution could be between 150-300dpi. But again, this does not mean that other resolution are not compatible. Please send the file and let's see the file and the nature of the work.
Texts should be converted to curves or the file should be accompanied by the required font. Otherwise, there may be differences in the end result.
It depends on the nature of the work, either in RGB or CMYK format.
The bleed could be at least 2mm.
The cut line must be in the vector and attached to the work.
Lugege kindlasti enne magnetite tellimist ja kasutamist!
Ohutusnõuded, millest tuleb kinni pidada, kui kasutate või lasete kasutada magnet.ee-st ostetud magneteid või püsimagneteid üldiselt:
1. Käsitle magneteid ettevaatlikkusega, et ära hoida vigastuste ja kahjustuste tekkimist.
1.1. Suure tõmbetugevusega magneteid käsitle erilise ettevaatlikkusega, et ära hoida võimalike tõsiste vigastuste ja kahjustuste tekkimine.
1.2. Magnet on rabedapoolse materjalistruktuuriga. Suure tõmbetugevusega magnetid, eriti magnetid võivad teineteise poole tõmbudes kokkulöögi tagajärjel puruneda, mille tulemusena laialipaiskuvad killud võivad vigastada Sind ja kõrvalseisjaid ning kahjustada ümbruses olevaid esemeid.
1.3. Ära aseta mitte mingil juhul kehaosi suure tõmbetugevusega magnetite vahele või magneti ja magnetiseeruva pinna vahele.
2. Magneteid ja magnetkinnitusi, eriti suure tõmbetugevusega magneteid käsitledes kasutada kaitseprille ja kindaid.
3. Ära aseta magnetit seadmete ligi, mis on tundlikud tugevale magnetväljale, näiteks, kuid mitte ainult: arvutiseadmed, monitorid, televiisorid, panga- ja kliendikaardid, meditsiinilised seadmed (nt. südamestimulaator) jne.
4. Ära anna magneteid väikeste laste kätte. Suure tõmbetugevusega magnetid võivad lapsele tõsiseid füüsilisi vigastusi tekitada. Väiksemaid magneteid võivad lapsed mänguhoos alla neelata ning ninna või kõrva asetada.
5. Magneteid ei tohi põletada, kuna põletamisel tekkiv suits on mürgine.
6. Tellides magnet.ee veebilehelt magneteid või magnettooteid kinnitate te sellega, et olete eelpooltoodu hoolikalt läbi lugenud ning aru saanud.
7. AMAGNET OÜ ei võta vastutust ega saa vastutada võimalike kahjude ja vigastuste eest, mis võivad tekkida magnet.ee-st ostetud magnetite valel või hoolimatul käsitlemisel. Kinnitades Tingimused ostmisel magnet.ee-st, aktsepteerib Ostja siin näidatud ohutusnõudeid ja kinnitab, et on neist aru saanud.